Kola Travelogue: Campings, routes, sight suggestions and other information about Northwest Russia: Kaliningrad, St Petersburg, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, and Murmansk region.

Kola Travelogue "Nortwest Russia" for camper travelers

Travel Individually, but Not Alone!

Kola Travel offers since the year 2004 tailored car and camper tours in Northwest Russia. For all our customers we make personal Kola Travelogues with addresses of booked places to stay and excursions including the routes to those places. We also experienced that especially camper and caravan travelers sometimes don’t want to travel according a fixed route with fixed dates. We as a supplier of camper and car tours in Northwest Russia struggled for many years with the idea that many camper travelers want to have freedom during their travel. Therefore beside our standard tours we developed a new concept of camper tours which gives you more freedom and with a lower chance of missing opportunities, due to availability on locations and excursions.

This new concept of camper tours exists of three parts which you may order separately too:

  • Kola Travelogue
  • 7x24 Standby and Support Service
  • Freedom and spontaneity

Kola Travelogue

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We have bundled all our travel experiences from the past together in a new up-to-date Kola Travelogue (travel description) about Northwest Russia including Kaliningrad region of more than 100 pages (A4-format) in pdf format, packed with useful information. The Kola Travelogue works with internal links to chapters inside and external links to websites on the internet for more information about sights on the route (if you have an internet connection). It works fine on tablets and notebooks. At the moment the Kola Travelogue contains the following:

  • Kola Travelogue: Campings, routes, sight suggestions and other information about Northwest Russia: Kaliningrad, St Petersburg, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, and Murmansk region.
  • Overview of all known places to stay with their facilities including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, gps-coordinates. The overview also includes nice places to stay in nature (without faciclities).
  • Maps of cities.
  • Information about interesting places worth to visit on the route.
  • General information about daily life in Russia like;
    • How to fuel at gasoline stations
    • How to pay in shops, restaurants and so on
    • Where to find gas stations for heating and cooking
    • How to use emergency services
    • How to cross Russian borders (Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway
    • Traveling with pets
    • Mobile internet
  • and much more....
With our Kola Travelogue you can avoid disappointments during your journey later.

Freedom and spontaneity

With the mentioned Kola Travelogue you have all the addresses of places of interests and suitable places to stay. Only there is one thread on your so well prepared trip: availability. Northwest Russia is still not touristic and the capacity is low and especially for the most popular boat excursions, like:

  • Boat excursions to Valaam Island
  • Boat excursions to Kizhi Island
  • Boat excursions to Solovetsky Islands
  • and the places to stay close to those popular places of interests.
It is very frustrating when you come on a place and there is no place for an excursion for you. We recommend to book in advance, but that is no freedom. What we offer you is new and we name it Freedom and spontaneity. During your travel you can book the excursions, which you really want to visit, with an estimated date via us. As soon you get more sure about the date you can be on the place you want to visit or to stay you call, email or sms us and we book it for you (if still available). We confirm the booking with a voucher. The sooner you book, the better the availability. If there are no places available anymore, then we refund the money (100%) for the not available excursions.

With this option you can travel freely without time constraints without missing out on interesting sights in Saint Petersburg, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region and Russian Lapland. Northwest Russia is the same save for tourists as in the Northern neighbour countries.

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